Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Beauty of Peace!

While Christmas Eve was less than the best (nearly 20 not-so-cheery in-laws), Christmas Day was just incredibly peaceful and full of bliss!! All of my kids woke up with such happiness and joy in their hearts! We made piles for each of us and took turns opening presents one at a time--then after a few rounds just let loose. Abby just adores her new American Girl--Emily, and all of the accessories. Adam got a tri-bot and some night vision goggles. He loved all of his gifts, but it is so obvious that the gift to play with his big sis is his favorite! Oh, and of course little Charley Mike--well, he does enjoy his Little People Noah's Ark and Pirate Ship, but again he is so happy to play with the older two that the gifts don't really matter.

After presents were opened, I picked up my grandmas for a Christmas lunch. I was a little concerned about making two feasts in less than 24 hours, but this second one was a snap. Adam convinced my grandma Koeppen that, yes, he did turn the whoopee cushion off (he just wanted her to try it out for him!). Much to all of our hysterical delight, she actually sat down on it!! That still has me laughing!!! Oh, the power of great-grandchildren!! Adam might be the funniest thing that ever lived!

Another nice surprise of the day was that Paul gave me a nice watch. I haven't worn a watch in nearly a decade, but I definitely need one as my kids grow older and have more and more things to do. The watch is wonderful, but I am nearly as excited about my new "helper's chair". I have wanted one of these for a while, but I probably would never buy it for myself. I have been in love with yellow lately too!! I also got some books and CD's that I wanted. Good deal!

Since Christmas, we have been so laid-back!! Today is a new record--we are ALL still in our PJ's and it's after 2 pm. I love doing nothing. I actually have read some books (I want to offer The Shack to all of you. Whoo! That book is incredible!) and had some time to think about some projects I want to do this summer. Next week, we are going to muster up the energy for a short getaway to the Lansing Sheraton for a beach party! It's become a tradition of ours to go somewhere for just one night between Christmas and New Year's...last year we went to the JW Marriott in GR. If you haven't been there, put it on your list of things to do!

I'm not sure if it is because I have had a little time to slow down a bit or what, but here is a "soft mommy" thing that has been going through my head these last few kids are all growing up much, much too fast. Abby is as high as my chin and wears a size 10 pant! What's more is that she writes a TON and can read pretty lengthy (5th grade level) books!! How did this happen? I thought she just peacefully entered our world as a soft pink 6 lb. 1oz. bundle yesterday!?! At nearly 8 years old, I feel her slipping more and more into an independent young adolescent every day. Where'd my baby go?
If that isn't bad enough, Adam is huge too! He can read and write and remember phone numbers of all of his friends. He's too old for so many things! I am happy all of his health problems are now resolved, but it is almost too much to think about that he is nearly 1/2 way FINISHED with Kindergarten.
What's even harder on my heart, perhaps, is baby Charley will be TWO this winter!!! He isn't even a baby anymore! I have tried and tried to slow him down a little, but that little turkey has grown teeth, walked, and so much more months earlier than his older sibs ever did! I am so proud of all that they have accomplished, for sure, but where did my babies go?

I hope that you all have had a relaxing, joyful break as well! You certainly deserve it!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa, can you give me some sanity please?

A month ago, I was eager to begin trimming the tree, buying gifts, making cookies, going to programs, and ho ho ho'ing all the way. Now, I am feeling a tad bit different about all that...stick with me here...

The Whining
Ok, so there is a part of me that is just tired. My ankles are sore, my neck and shoulders are tense, and my eyes are drooping. I am scrubbing and baking and wrapping and shopping in snowstorms. I get totally ticked off at Paul when he insists on picking one or two things to do each day, and constantly tells me to "just relax"! Excuse me, but if I relax before the evening of the 25th there will be a backlash large enough to swallow me whole just like a tsunami. I have held the chaos at bay, but now it is time to roll up the sleeves and dig in--we are having his family over on Christmas Eve and my grandmas on Christmas Day. That is TWO big meals, TWO rounds of appetizers, drinks, and desserts--in less than 24 hours. I am feeling overwhelmed!
There is also the piece of me that is sad that my parents and sister and great Texan friend won't be there to toast the year out and play some innocent games! It's a nagging tug at my heart strings. Double tug actually, because I know that they would not care if my house were clean (nor would I--duh, I have 3 little kids) and they would just start baking--my to-do list would include hittin the whiskey and throwin on a little Jimmy Buffett Christmas. For fun, not necessity.

Be of Good Cheer
Here's the good stuff. I am so blessed! I have the three wackiest, busiest and crazy-funny kids! Yesterday, at the end of the sermon, our pastor was letting us know that he didn't think there would be any coffee due to the winter storm (there were only about 20 of us who were able to make it). Abby shows up in the doorway with a pot of coffee at exactly that moment and says, "Nope, I've got the coffee right here. We've just got to wait for Adam to bring the cups." To be sitting in church with my daughter saving the day with a steaming pot of coffee in the middle of the service made me laugh so hard I cried.
I also love all of the Christmas artwork. It hangs from my patio window, is layered on my refrigerator as each piece fights to be seen, and is taped to bedroom doors, walls, and trees. It hides everywhere too--like a terrific hide and seek partner. Spring cleaning is very different at my house than it ever used to be!
Adam decided to make a new store tag for his teddy bear. So he found a Sharpie and wrote, "gotta get a gund" on an entire piece of paper and superglued it to the bear's butt--leaving super glue and Sharpie on my WHITE countertop. During that same 1 1/2 hours that I was gone getting a massage, the baby decided to eat a dishwasher detergent packet. Luckily, Paul thought to call Poison Control(ladies, it is a good idea to put those bright green little stickers on every telephone in the house)--as Charley spontanaeously vomited the contents of the packet out. How did they gain access to the Sharpie, super glue, and detergent? Mom wasn't there. Some babysitters are better than can train husbands all you want, but if they are determined to be the hands off, er, I mean, laid back variety, you have to grow patience beyond belief.
Ok, back to the good... I am happy to FINALLY have found a church I love. The people are so nice and inviting. Many of our friends go to the church, but even the people I didn't previously know called me by my first name after the first visit. I love it--and I have been trying out churches for years! It is a wonderful, rare gift to have found a place that is extremely family-friendly and warm and inviting and modern, yet quite traditional. Plus, the pastor gives a strong, unpretentious sermon every week! Apparently, those are all of the things I was looking for!! I can see myself going to this church for the rest of my life. And here's another thing--I started just going by myself with the kids because Paul was turned off to church in general by his Catholic up-bringing, but he is coming too! Which is a HUGE relief because quite frankly it is rather odd for a married woman with three young kids to go to church alone. Though I am not holding my breath about him being a regular. I am committed to having this church family for me and my kids, regardless of whether he comes or not.

Oh, there is so much good! Before break, my students turned in their pieces of fiction, and most of them are really good with quite a bit of variety and thought into them. Hallelujah I say, Hallelujah!! They are becoming adept at being writing coaches to each other. I am so proud! For those of you who teach, you know what this means!!

Overall, I am happy to be able to provide traditions for my kids--the tree, the hot chocolate holiday lights drives, the little parties here and there, and even the family meals. I am praying for a little grace and a lot of patience to make it through my moments of weakness. If you are a praying person, feel free to throw me on that list. I only need it through the 24th...=)

Today, I am taking my kids to a bowling birthday party and we are going to do more baking. It is a good day! And, even if you are enduring the pre-Christmas crazies like myself, I hope this holiday season is wonderful for all of you too!

Ho Ho Ho!!