Sunday, January 18, 2009

Returning Back to ME

I don't make resolutions. Never have. I am the kind of person who is interested in just about everything. I crave new experiences and enjoy training my brain in new and different ways. I have done lots of things since I have had children--far too many to mention here--but the one thing I have not done is exercised regularly. In college, I would exercise several times a day just because I could...nearly nine years later I have just one regret. I wish I had kept it up.
Babies cry, growing butts don't. The immediacy of babies is a full-time job. I guess I just got lazy. Three children, two houses, and a master's degree later I am completely out of shape, but I am also not going to whine much about this. For the last two days, I have worked out. Today I ran a mile, and though this was at a snail's pace I am thrilled. I also rode the stationary bike for a time and walked around the gym floor to cool down. If there's anyone else out there who has let themselves go, it is ok. I got off the treadmill and my head kept swirling and my legs felt like jell-o, but I did not die.

Here's my motivation: my husband has wanted to run a marathon for several years, but hasn't started running once. He subscribes to Runner's World, and every time I pick it out of the mailbox, I laugh. This last week he decided he wanted to start running, but didn't. I know he would be so proud of himself if he did this for himself--we all would. He asked me, Mrs. Fred Flintstone Feet, to run with him. I don't know about a full marathon, but I am going to run just a little bit more every single day and I'll see where I end up in May.
Once I make up my mind to do something, I usually do it. This one will take every last morsel of motivation I have, but I know it will feel great to have done something for just me for once (ok, and a little bit for Paul)! So friends, strangers, and everyone else--feel free to ask me OFTEN if I have run today this year--it will keep me on track. =)

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